Bulb with Motion Sensor

Vacker Global is a one of the leading company in the world in building automation industry. We provide different systems of building automation for homes, offices, industries etc. We also provide lighting bulbs with motion sensors that are highly useful …

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Motion sensor on Arduino Circuit

Motion sensors are used to detect movement of human beings, birds, animals or other moving objects such as cars, vehicles etc. While there are lot of motion sensors for controlling electrical circuits, this article explains about motion sensors used to …

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Various Applications Of Motion Sensors In Daily Life

What is a motion sensor? As the name suggests motion sensors are electronic devices that can detect motion and movement. It consists of an electronic chip or a sensor that quantifies motion. When considered in broad terms, mechanical devices like …

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Motion sensor activated phone call alert

Motion sensors can be used to detect the presence of human beings and generate alert systems. Motion sensor uses the principle of Passive Infrared Rays (PIR) detection. This means the motion sensor will detect the presence of any human beings in its …

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Motion sensors and presence sensors

Motion sensors and presence sensors have been confused with each other. Basic principle is that Motion sensors/detectors gets activated only when there are people moving in the specified range of the motion sensors. Presence sensors/detectors sense the presence of living …

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